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If Your Watermelon from WA is Foaming, Be Extra, Extra Careful

Jul 14, 2023

Although there's no official documentation anywhere, I think most would agree that watermelon is the unofficial fruit of summer. Everyone has their ways to check for ripeness either by knocking on it or even slapping it. Looking for coloring of the rind and so much more.

Though I'm no biologist, I would say that if your watermelon is oozing this kind of foam, it's probably best you don't eat it. That's my educated guess.

If your watermelon is foaming, it means it's fermenting and not in the good way.

Fermentation of watermelons is common in many parts of the world. Fortunately, not as bad here in the Northwest, but it can still happen. If you have a watermelon sit out in the sun long enough where it's warmer than it should it, it may start to change like this. When it does, don't eat it as with those warmer temperatures it can also be a great host for things like E.Coli or something.

If it does, chuck it or compost it.